Top 5 Self-Development Books

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One of my favorite things in the world is reading. There is so much to learn from fictional characters but my personal favorite is learning from nonfiction books. It is like transferring many years worth of someone’s experiences and wisdom. It will teach you lessons that might otherwise take you a lifetime to learn. The following list is a compilation of books that helped me kick-start my own transformation, and others that I found along the way.

  1. The Alchemist. This is the only fiction book on this list but I love it because it helped me realize that I needed to follow my dreams no matter what they are. No matter how crazy they are. It also showed me that there will be a lot of times that what I am looking for is not the key to fulfilling those dreams. And yet whatever road we take we will learn from it; we always do. If you are not learning from your experiences, a lot of time painful experiences, you are letting many learning opportunities go to waste. Don’t allow this to happen!
  2. How to stop worrying and start living. This book is absolutely life changing. It will show you how worry can cause a lot of health problems. The author explains that we can essentially extend our lifespan by many years, reducing the probability of health issues directly affected by stress, by eliminating it. In order to live your best life you must let go of what you cannot control and focus on what you can control with the information you have at that moment. 
  3. The 7 habits of highly effective people. This book came out about 31 years ago and is still recommended as one of the best personal growth books out there. But I’m going to be perfectly honest,this book was boring to me and took forever to get through it. However, if you make it to the end, your life will be that much better. 
  4. How to win friends and influence people. This is another classic and kind of cliche because it is highly recommended, but it is recommended for a reason. It will teach how to communicate effectively. I promise you, after reading his book ,you will never look at a person or conversation the same way again.
  5. Mindset the new psychology of success. This book will get you thinking about whether you have a fixed or growth mindset. If you are reading this I assume you probably lean a little more towards a growth mindset ,or you want to develop one. This book is the key to changing the way you see the world and yourself in it. It will help you see how valuable you truly are by showing you how to have a growth mindset. 

In conclusion, if you want to kick-start your transformation, I highly recommend these books. If you feel like you are not your best self or are stuck in a rut, this can be your lifesaver. Not only will reading help your mental health, it will also widen your perspective on life. 

My life motto is:

“You will be the same person in five years as you are today except for the people you meet and the books you read.”

– Charlie Tremendous Jones

It is why I read and why I am here sharing my knowledge with you. And if you love this, please share it with someone who might benefit from it.